Bought At A Price

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I Corinthians 6:19-20

Jesus bought us at a price– the price of His own life. Because He loved us so much, Jesus died on the cross to purchase us with the priceless blood of the Lamb of God. Never forget what you are worth to Jesus.

And never forget that He is worthy of our full submission and surrender. There have been times in my life when I feared giving something up or trusting Jesus at His Word. But when I finally released control and my rights to the Lord, His peace and blessings in my heart overshadowed any hesitation I had, and I realized all over again, that Jesus’ plans for my life are ALWAYS better than my own. He is a good God!

So if you’re hesitating or apprehensive of letting your life, your body, your passions and your heart become the temple of the Holy Spirit, surrender it all to Jesus today. As my husband always says, “You can’t have complete peace in your life until Jesus has complete access to every door in your heart.”